11x14, 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, 30x40, 40x50, 48x60



Camera: Canham 5x7 metal field, 4x5 film back

Lens: 90mm

Film: Fuji Provia 100F Transparency Film

Painted Sunrise, emerald bay

I spent quite a bit of time enduring the elements late this Fall and early Winter at Emerald Bay. Hey, someone had to do it:) The results were worth it. This new release, "Painted Sunrise, Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe", was the result of an early morning excursion on the edge of a storm. This image was captured just before sunrise, as the pre-dawn rays began to light the sky below the clouds. A six minute exposure added a softer feel to the clouds and captured the saturated colors beautifully. The contrast of warm and cool tones is amazing. I used my large format film camera and a 4x5 inch sheet of film, making it possible to produce extremely large fine art prints with great detail, clarity and subtlety.