11x14, 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, 30x40, 40x50, 48x60



Camera: Canham 5x7 Inch Metal Field Camera, 4x5 Film Back

Lens: 150mm

Film: Kodak T-Max 100 4x5 inch Black and White Negative Film

Scripps Pier Black & White

As usual, I arrived very early, relaxed, wandered around and settled on a composition that felt good to me. As it turned out, a photo group showed up last minute with their digital gear and ran around for 15 minutes "working" the area. (They were nice:)
They were disappointed in the fact that the low clouds and marine layer eliminated the neon sunset they had dreamed of. I, on the other hand, was pleased with the light and  contrast. I set up my composition, added  a red contrast filter (in this case to lengthen the exposure by 3 stops) and watched the water movement. I took 2 shots on black and white film (none in color). The dreamlike quality, and softness surrounding the structure of the pier is what I was envisioning. In my mind, this has both a classic and modern feel, depending on my mood.